This a type to represent the presence or absence of a T
value. If T
is null it would be transformed in None
and, if not, will be returned as Some<T>
Implicit Option<T> (T?)
Allows the client to set the T value to an Option.
Option<int> option = 1;
//Some<int> 1
Option<int> option = null;
Implicit T
Allows the client to get the T value from an Option.
Option<int> option = 1;
Implicit bool
Allows the client to know if an Option is Some
) or None
Option<int> option = 1;
Indicates if an Option is Some, holding a T.
Option<int> option = 1;
Indicates if an Option is Nome, holding no value.
Option<int> option = Option.None<int>();
Bind<TResult> (Func<T, Option<TResult>>)
Executes a given function over an Option, taking its T
value, and returning an Option<TResult>
Option<int> option = 1;
Option<string> bound = option.Bind((r) => r > 0 ? "Higher" : "Equal or Lower"));
//Some ("Higher")
Contains (T)
Verify if an Option is Some
and it’s T
is equal to a given T
. If so returns true
otherwise returns false
Option<int> option1 = 1;
Option<int> option2 = Option.None<int>();
Verify if an Option is Some
. If so returns 1
otherwise returns 0
Option<bool> option = true;
DefaultValue (T)
Returns T
from an Option if it is Some
, otherwise returns the given default value.
var option = Option.None<int>();
DefaultWith (Func<T>)
Returns T
from an Option if it is Some
, otherwise returns the result of the given function.
Option<int> option = Option.None<int>();
Console.Write(option.DefaultWith(() => 25));
Exists (Func<T, bool>)
Verify if T
matches a given predicate and returns true
if so or false
if not or Option is None
Option<int> option = 1;
Console.Write(option.Exists((s) => s > 0));
Filter (Func<Option<T>, bool>)
Return the Option itself if its None
or the predicate is true
, otherwise returns None
Option<int> option = 1;
var result = option.Filter((o) => o > 0));
//Some (1)
Flaten (Option<Option<T>>)
Returns T
of the inner Option instance if it is Some
, otherwise None
Option<Option<string>> Option.Some<Option<string>>("Option!");
Fold (Func<TState, T, TState>, TState)
Updates and returns TState
by the given function if Option is Some
, otherwise returns TState
Option<int> option = 1;
Console.Write(option.Fold((s, t) => s + t), 10);
FoldBack (Func<T, TState, TState>, TState)
As Fold but inverting T
and TState
as the given function parameters order.
Option<int> option = 1;
Console.Write(option.FoldBack((r, s) => s + r), 10);
ForAll (Func<T, bool>)
Verifies if Option is None
. If so returns true
, otherwise applies the given function to T
Option<int> option = 1;
Console.Write(option.ForAll((r) => r > 10));
Returns the T
if Some
or throws an exception if None
Option<int> option = Option.None<int>;
//throws OptionException;
Iter (Action<T>)
Executes the given action if Option is Some
Option<int> option = 1;
option.Iter(() => Console.Write("It's ok!"));
//"It's ok!"
Map (Func<T, Option<TResult>>)
Returns the Option itself if None
or the result of the given function applied to T
as an Option<TResult>
Option<int> option = 1;
Console.Write(option.Map((r) => r > 0 ? true : false));
Map2 (Func<Option<T>>, Func<T, T, Option<T>>)
Returns None
if the Option itself and the first parameter are None
, otherwise returns the result of the given function with the Option itself and the first parameter as an Option<TResult>
Option<int> option1 = 1;
Option<int> option2 = 2;
Console.Write(option1.Map2((o1, o2) => o1 == o2 ? o1 : 0));
Map3 (Func<Option<T>>, Func<Option<T>>, Func<T, T, T, Option<TResult>>)
Returns None
if the Option itself and the first and second parameters are None
, otherwise returns the result of the given function with the Option itself and the first and second parameters as an Option<TResult>
Option<int> option1 = 1;
Option<int> option2 = 2;
Console.Write(option1.Map2((o1, o2) => o1 == o2 ? o1 : 0));
Match (Action<T>, Action)
Executes the first action based on T
if Option is Some
or the second action if None
Option<int> option = 1;
option.Match((t) => Console.Write(t)), () => Console.Write("None"));
OrElse (Option<T>)
Returns the Option itself if Some
or the first parameter.
var option = Option.None<T>();
//Some (2)
OrElseWith (Func<Option<T>>)
Returns the Option itself if Some
or the result of the given function.
var option = Option.None<T>();
option.OrElseWith(() => 25));
//Some (25)
Returns an array with T
if Option is Some
, otherwise an empty one.
Option<int> option = 1;
As ToArray but returns a generic list with T
Option<int> option = 1;
Returns Some
if T
is not null
, or a None
if so.
var myString = "Option!";
var option = myString.ToOption();
//Some ("Option!")